Saturday 21 May 2016

why you have to eat fruit for breakfast

1. Fruit for breakfast is the perfect way to ‘break the overnight fast’, as it gently wakes the digestive system and metabolism up from a semi-slumber, all without the harsh adrenal jolt of a coffee or fatty meal.
2. If you eat enough fruit for breakfast you will not require a coffee as the natural fruit sugars keep the brain sharp and energized.
3. Between the hours of 7-11 AM the body is doing the heaviest detoxification, so eating fruits (especially during this time) ensures healing energy is being used for detoxification rather than beingwasted on digesting heavy fatty foods.
4. Fruit for breakfast promotes nice fluffy fruity floaters or in order words – large satisfying bowel movements. The fruit fibre clears the colon like a broom, leaving you feeling light, refreshed and ready to go.
5. People who eat fruit only for breakfast have been shown to be leaner, healthier and more productive during their day.
source: fitness

Agric Info

European Union has urged Nigeria Government to increase export of agric produces like rubber, cocoa and palm oil to the EU countries. Find out how and Invest!

Saturday 14 May 2016

Tomatoes and Garri now more expensive since fuel subsidy removal...??

Please i think we really need to look into this, as this may be the fastest way the common man on the street might be affected by the present state of the nation ,
lets rub minds this Saturday morning here on how much is Tomatoes and garri and all other normal food items in your area now?…
Subsidy or no subsidy, an average Nigerian man would still have to put something in his stomach, this is why we the Nigerian youths should stand tall today do as to subdue the "subsidy challenges" of tomorrow.
 I hear one tomato costs one thousand naira.. Is this true? The answers to our unanswered questions lies in the helms of Agriculture. Please share your views...

Thursday 12 May 2016

Helping Smallholder Farmers Build Stronger Businesses with Information and Communication Technology

Portable computers, tablets and smartphones have created new ways of accessing information. At the touch of a screen, we can check the bus schedule and decide whether to carry an umbrella. More and more, information and communication technology – often referred to as ICT – is also changing the way smallholder farmers do business.
Smallholder farmers often live in remote rural areas far from cities, markets and sometimes even roads. Most make sales to traders directly from the farm gate, for low prices, immediately after the harvest. Apps, SMS messages and radio programmes hold the promise to help farmers make informed business decisions about when, where and how to plant and sell their crops. Today, farmers are connecting with one another across vast distances with apps to improve their planting and harvesting skills. They receive weather and market price information through SMS messages directly on their phones. And they are able to use mobile phones to send and receive payments more quickly and securely.

agric info

Scarce Forex & high price of foreign rice have made Nigerians to consider local varieties! Tap into this opportunity by invest in rice farming or processing.