Wednesday 2 March 2016

Ensure you get the best Quality fish feeds, manufactured to the highest standArD for fast growth.

Feeding Catfish: This constitutes the bulk of the cost of rearing catfish, usually 60% and above. In most places in Nigeria available catfish feeds are imported and cost an average of N5,500/15kg bag. A 15kg bag can take 700 two month old fishes just 10 days! While you are in a hurry to start reaping the profit from catfish culturing, be prepared beforehand for the challenge of feeding the fishes. Catfish can be fed once or twice a day. Excessive feeding of fingerlings increases the cost of rearing catfish and thus results in wastage as this may only result in marginal growth increases. Feeds are also a primary source of pond water pollution and excessive feeding constitutes a water management challenge. Thus the catfish farmer needs to strike a balance between feeding and water management. There are several subjective formulas used to determine an appropriate feeding program for fish. One is to provide as much feeds that fishes can finish in 5 – 10 minutes. This can then be used as the quantity of feed needed for ‘satiation’. Using this formula, catfish can be fed just once a day. With respect to feeding catfish, an alternative for Nigerian farmers is the use of locally-made feeds. Unlike the imported counterpart, local feeds cost an average of N3,500/15kg bag without considerable growth implications. A challenge however would be to access sources of such local feeds as most parts of Nigeria are filled with the expensive imported feeds.

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