Wednesday 2 March 2016

Weed reduces profit, cassava/Maize/Melon.....

Weeding, using the traditional hoe was done at 3 and 8 WAP (Weeks After Planting), The maize cobs were harvested fresh at 12 WAP. The maize stover was laid in-between the cassava and the soybean rows, 4 weeks after soybean planting when the melon pods were also collected for processing. Soybean was harvested 16 WAP. The cassava was harvested 9 months after planting. The experiment shows that intercropping cassava with maize and melon with relayed soybean can be a profitable farming venture. Organic fertilizer produced satisfactory yields under the intensive cropping system tested in this experiment in the first year of cropping. Intercropping cassava with maize and melon with relayed soybean would be a profitable farming venture if higher doses of organic manure (about 10 tonnes/ha) are complemented with inorganic fertilizers. Ambe, T.J.; S.N.Lyonga; A.A. Agboola and S.K. Hahn (1988) The performance of Cassava with other staples in intercrops in Cameroon. In: Proceedings of first Annual Meeting of Cassava – based Cropping Systems Research Group. I. I. T. A., Ibadan. Pp. 91-97.

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