Wednesday 2 March 2016

Get the best out of your farm, generate steady income by Intercroping cassava with maize and melon.

The experiment was laid out in a split-plot design with nutrient sources as the main factor and cropping system as the sub-factor. There were four main treatments and two sub-treatments. The main treatments were: (1) Organic fertilizer, made of an equal mixture of domestic waste collected from a composted refuse dumping site and stale cow dung applied at 10 tons/ha; (2) Inorganic fertilizer, supplied as 150kg N from Urea and 50kg P/ha from Single Superphosphate fertilizer; (3) Organic + Inorganic fertilizer treatment, supplied as half the rates applied for the organic and the inorganic fertilizer treatments; (4) Control. The sub-treatments were: (i) Sole cassava; (ii) Cassava + soybean.

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